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Congratulations on The Birth of Your Child!

Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation that leads to full membership in the Church. Our young people’s faith is a seed that must be nurtured by their parents. In the baptismal rite itself, parents are asked if they are prepared to raise their child in the faith; the celebrant reminds them that they are “the first and best teachers in the ways of faith.” Accordingly, our Baptism Preparation Program offers parents an opportunity to reassess their own faith, as well as reviewing their responsibility to educate their children in the faith. The program reviews the history and the theology of the sacrament of Baptism and the procedures for the rite itself.

  • When are baptisms held? Baptisms are held on most Sundays at 10:30am, except during Lent. Other dates may also be blocked out due to Parish events.
  • Do I need to take a Baptism class? If this is your first child, or if it has been 5 years or more since your last Baptismal Class, you must attend. See the list below for upcoming Baptism Classes.
  • What if my child is not an infant? As long as your child is less than seven years of age, the process and requirements are the same. If your child is seven or older, contact the parish office at 489-4889.
  • How many godparents may (must) I have? It is only required that there be one godparent, so you must have at least one. It is customary to have two godparents – in this case one must be female and the other male. The Church does not make any provisions for more than two.

Please contact the parish office at (352) 489-4889 to arrange a Sacramental Anointing by the priest.

After Office Hours

Please call the office at (352) 489-4889, leave message on voicemail, and priest will return call.